
Generally available: Enforcement mode of machine configuration (previously guest configuration)

The enforcement mode of machine configuration (previously guest configuration) is now generally available. This represents the ApplyAndMonitor and ApplyAndAutocorrect auditing modes. The customer experience within Azure has not changed as a result of the renaming. Machine configuration continues to provide a native capability to audit or configure operating system settings as code, both for machines running in Azure and hybrid Azure Arc-enabled servers, directly per-machine or at-scale orchestrated through Azure Automanage, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, or Azure Policy.

You will now be able to: 

  • Apply and monitor configurations: Set the required configuration on your machines and remediate on demand.
  • Apply and autocorrect configurations: Set the required configuration at scale and autoremediate in the event of a configuration drift. 
  • Apply configurations to machines at management group level.
  • Set TLS 1.2 to machines through our newly released built-in policy.
  • Create, delete, and monitor the compliance of your configurations through the Azure portal.

Learn more about the renaming in the blog and about machine configuration in the documentation.