
Generally available: Azure Premium SSD v2 Disk Storage in East US 2, North Europe and West US 2

Azure Premium SSD v2 Disk Storage is now available in East US 2, North Europe, and West US 2 regions. This next-generation storage solution offers advanced general-purpose block storage with the best price performance, delivering sub-millisecond disk latencies for demanding IO-intensive workloads at a low cost. It is well-suited for a wide range of enterprise production workloads, including SQL Server, Oracle, MariaDB, SAP, Cassandra, MongoDB, big data analytics, gaming on virtual machines, and stateful containers.

In case Premium SSD v2 is not available in your preferred region and you wish to use it, please fill out the survey

To learn more, read the documentation.

For more information about Premium SSD v2 Disk Storage pricing, visit the Azure Managed Disks pricing page.