
General availability: Network security groups support for private endpoints

Network security groups (NSGs) support for private endpoints is now generally available. This feature enhancement provides you with the ability to enable advanced security controls on traffic destined to a private endpoint. In order to leverage this feature, you will need to set a specific subnet level property, called PrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies, to enabled on the subnet containing private endpoint resources.

At this time, Private Link network security group support is available in most public regions.

Regional availability:

This feature will be available in the following regions at this time:

US East, US West, US North, US South, US Central, US East 2, Europe North, Europe West, Asia East, Asia South East, Japan East, Japan West, Brazil South, Australia East, Australia South East, India Central, India South, Canada Central, Canada East, US West 2, US West Central, UK West, UK South, Korea South, Korea Central, France South, France Central, Australia Central, South Africa North, United Arab Emirates Central, United Arab Emirates North, Switzerland North, Switzerland West, Germany North, Germany West Central, Norway East, Norway West, US West 3, Jio India Central, Jio India West, Sweden South, Sweden Central, Qatar Central, US Central Early Updates Access Program, US East 2 Early Updates Access Program

Managing private endpoint network policies:

Managing network policies for private endpoints – Azure Private Link | Microsoft Docs

Overview of network security groups:

Azure network security groups overview | Microsoft Docs

How it works:

Network security group – how it works | Microsoft Docs

What is Private Link:

What is Azure Private Link? | Microsoft Docs