Simplify your monitoring and troubleshooting of Azure IoT Edge devices with deep integration with Azure Monitor through a set of built-in metrics, the IoT Edge Metrics Collector module, and a set of curated visualizations. With this integration you can
- Analyze the efficiency of your solution
- Choose hardware to fit the performance demands on your devices
- Monitor locked down assets
- Unify cloud and edge monitoring
- Proactively identify issues with metrics-based alerts
- Rapidly troubleshoot problems
- Create custom metrics and dashboards
The latest IoT Edge metrics collector module release 1.0.3 is now available in the Microsoft container registry at
Note: Rolling tags ‘1.0’ and ‘latest’ have been updated to point to the new version. If your existing deployment uses these rolling tags, please update to specific tag ‘1.0.3’ to ensure all your deployed devices are updated.
Learn more at