
Azure Maps Elevation APIs and Render V2 DEM tiles will be retired on 5 May 2023

The Azure Maps Elevation services and Render V2 DEM tiles general availability will be retired on 5 May 2023. After that date, the Elevation services and DEM TilesetIDs will no longer be available and/or supported, and API calls will fail. All other Azure Maps APIs, Services and TilesetIDs are unaffected by this retirement announcement. 

The following Elevation services will be retired: 

The following DEM tiles in the Render V2 – Get Map Tile service will be retired. 

  • microsoft.dem 
  • microsoft.dem.contours 

Required action 

To avoid service disruption in your applications, please review the following migration options and transition before 5 May 2023: 

More information 

If you have questions, get answers from community experts in Microsoft Q&A. If you have a support plan and you need technical help, create a support request