Because Application Gateway V1 retires on 28 April 2026, please transition to Application Gateway V2 by that date.
We encourage you to make the switch earlier to gain the benefits of Application Gateway V2. Alongside the Application Gateway V1 features you already use, Application Gateway V2 provides:
· Additional features – Autoscaling, zone redundancy, URL rewrite, mutual authentication mTLS , Azure Kubernetes Service Ingress Controller, Keyvault integration
· Increased performance – 5x Better TLS offload performance compared to V1
· Enhanced security – Faster update of security rules, WAF custom rules and policy associations, bot protection
What happens during and after the retirement announcement?
From now through 28 April 2026, you can continue using Application Gateway V1 but begin transitioning to Application Gateway V2.
New customers (customers who doesn’t not have Application Gateway V1 SKU in their subscriptions in the month of June 2023) won’t be able to create V1 gateways from 1st July 2023.
Existing customers with subscriptions containing V1 gateways ,will no longer be able to create V1 gateways after 28th August 2024.However, they can manage V1 gateways until the retirement date of 28 April 2026.
After 28 April 2026, Application Gateway V1 will not be supported.
Required action
Follow the steps outlined in the migration script to migrate from AppGw v1 to v2. Please review the pricing before making the transition.
Help and support
If you have questions, get answers from community experts in Microsoft Q&A or write to us at [email protected]. If you have a support question and you need technical help, please create a support request.